Esta é uma falha que pode ocorrer ao utilizar certos cursos antigos da Render em algum computador que utilize um sistema operacional mais recente que o recomendado na página do curso. Além disto, também existem diversos plugins que após atualizados acabam gerando essa incompatibilidade. Sugerimos algumas ações: Voltar a utilizar um Office mais antigo ..
Autor : Suporte Render
Abra uma nova simulação no “Load Machine”. Tenha certeza de ativar a opção de Milímetros, desmarcar a opção de “Load Demo” e em seguida escolher a Tãrning Center. No campo NcEditor, digite HashTag “region” e aperte ENTER. No próximo código, digite cifrão e procure por Use EmbeddedSettings, ele pode estar embaixo, precisando descer a barra ..
Esta falha pode ocorrer com alguns alunos que adquiriram o curso Inventor 2013 Fundamentos, especialmente entre os alunos que o adquiriram próximo do seu lançamento. Para recuperar os arquivos de seu curso (Inventor 2013 Fundamentos), faça o download do arquivo de correção abaixo e instale-o. (40 MB) Para compras mais recentes, o curso já ..
Yes, you can bring it with you to job interviews to aid in confirming your knowledge of the subject in question. In case it’s required to confirm the certificate’s validity, the Certificate Number, shown in the bottom-left corner of the certificate, can be inserted in the page below to confirm it’s a valid certificate:
Our courses aren’t officially recognized or certified by governmental agencies as they do not fall into the categories of courses that are verified and rated by the Brazilian Ministry of Education. However, we are official partners and certified course publishers of both Autodesk, Inc. and SolidWorks Corp., developers of many CAD, CAM and 3D animation ..
The Certification Test is available to be accessed in your account at any time after your purchase is processed. There’s no time limit to begin your certification test, but each test has a 24-hour limit to be finished after it has been first activated and..
The score on the follow up questions does not affect your Certificate or the Certification Test in any way, their purpose is merely to help you confirm whether or not you’re prepared to take the Certification Test. Your grade on the Certification Test is completely independent of your performance on the follow up ..
There is no time limit for answering the follow up questions in any of our courses. That does not apply to the Certification Test, which has a 24-hour limit to be completed and a 2 to 5-minute limit per..
The Certification Test is accessed online directly from the Render website. It is necessary to log into your account to access your “Student area”. From there, click on the option “My Certificates”, select the course whose test you wish to activate, click on “Certification Questions” and click the “Activate̶..
RSS, also known as a “feed”, is a quick and easy way to follow on news and updates from a website. This way, it isn’t necessary to browse, search, or look for information on webpages. An RSS is a file which is continually kept updated and displays its content simply and easily. Just click the ..