We recommend RSS Feed readers for following up on news, but if you prefer to add our RSS Feed to your favorites, you can do so. RSS Readers run straight from your browser, making it possible to manage and access the latest updates from as many RSS Feeds as you wish from a si..
Categoria : English
RSS, also known as a “feed”, which is the fastest and easiest way to follow updates from a site. This way it is not necessary to browse, search, or look for information on your favorite webpages. RSS is a file which always keeps you updated on new content simply and well-organized. Just click a desired ..
Download the installation program from any free download site. We recommend the following link: http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ After finishing the download, start the installation wizard by double-clicking the file. Then on the startup screen, click “Next”, as the following image shows: Select the preferred installation on the following screen, we recommend the default installation, after selecting the ..
Yes, an online course can be made available to another person. Select the “Send the course to another person to study” option when activating the course (as displayed below) and register the e-mail who will be studying t..
Login to the Render site typing your registered e-mail and password. Access the “Student Area” option – “My Courses” – “Online Courses”. There is a button named “Activate” next to the course name, click this button to start studying the online course. Select one of ..
Access this site to take the Certification Test: http://www.render.com.br/minhas_certificacoes and login. The number of questions in the Certification Test is defined by the quantity of content taught in each course. It is necessary to activate the Certification Test to begin the test. 24 hours is the time limit for finishing the test. . The test ..
If you have already taken the course and you wish to get the certificate for that course, then just access our site and purchase your ce..
Some of our online courses teach several fields of knowledge, for example, the AutoCAD 2007 online course is useful for all professionals from architecture, engineering (civil, mechanic, and electric), construction, designers, topography, industrial drafters, technicians, and others. However, some courses are for more specific publics, such as the course for moulds in SolidWorks 2007. The ..
Yes, that is correct. Due to the fact that the Render Online Courses are focused on quality, our Online Courses can be used for learning previous or later versions of the software. Let’s take a look at the SolidWorks 2006 Basic Course, this course can be applied to a later version, just by you migrating ..
Our online courses can reach professionals who are far away from classroom courses of these types and due to the affordable price the online courses are available to greater numbers of the public. The Render course authors have had a broad experience in these fields and we hope our online courses can be useful to ..